Boston’s Story

Boston was born in Chattanooga, TN at 26 weeks gestation, weighing 2 lbs. He had an identical twin brother, Declan, that died at one week old due to the fragile nature of being born 14 weeks early. Boston’s health was marginally better.

After 3 months in the NICU, he came home at 5 lbs and began to thrive. Since that day, he has grown into an enthusiastic young man who loves to learn, play sports, and spend time with his family and friends.

When he was only 9-years-old, Boston wrote his first book -- the first in Gibs Protector Series. Now, 14-years-old, Boston has sold more than 800 books, with each purchase benefitting the Erlanger Hospital NICU unit. Boston decided that he would donate one blanket to a baby in the unit for every book sold.

The fun and adventurous illustrations are the creations of Stephen, Boston’s Tae-kwon-do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor. He is also an animator and enjoys drawing and graphic design. He loves teaching and motivating children.

Meet the Characters

Yikes!! A group of evil robots is attacking the town of Pendale on Gib Planet. Would you be brave enough to fight? These kids are! Join Captain, Ninja, and Swirl as they do everything necessary to save their town.

Hi! I’m Bo (Captain). I love to go to the library or bookstore and find books about things that I don’t know a lot about and LEARN. The slingshot is my favorite weapon because I can carry it everywhere and I’ve gotten pretty accurate shooting it.

Hey guys! I’m Tym (Ninja). I love sword fighting with my dad and playing hide and seek. Once I stayed hidden for 30 minutes and only came out because I was starving.

Hello! My name is Nenna (Swirl). I love gymnastics and have been doing it since I was 2. I got my dagger as a birthday present and have been getting better using it.